

Mr. Vincent Luk has engaged in new market development, sales and business development for over 20 years. The major work filed over the years also includes sales team management and building, major event planning etc. Since 2006, Mr. Luk joined the well-known social enterprise in Hong Kong - MentalCare Connect Company Limited as Assistant General Manager in charge retail services and business development. In 2007, he established The First Magazine on Rehabilitation in Hong Kong- “Rehab Express” with direct sales services. Till the year 2014, MentalCare achieved a great success that the overall turnover increased 10 times, and also the employment of disadvantaged group increased 130%.

At year 2009, Mr. Luk developed Dr. Grooming project for employment of young addicted – leave offenders, and won the “Most Promising Project Award” at the SE Summit 2009; to support youth development, “Inspiring Youth Social Enterprise” was founded by Mr. Luk and his comrade at same year, and continuously as consultancy to small scale Social Enterprises.
*(B1) 创业 - 从「心」出发
日期: 2014年5月2日(星期五)
时间: 下午 12:00 - 下午 01:00