

1. 创新与品牌 - 中小企新世代研讨会系列
2. 中国及新兴市场零距离研讨会系列
3. 做个中小企数码达人研讨会系列
4. 名人分享研讨会系列
5. 2017经济金融前瞻
6. 香港中小企创新大奬2016颁奖礼
7. 中小企业支持:工业贸易署「营商友导」计划及资助措施
8. 如何物色及激励90后的员工?
9. 中小企商铺投资好时机

Mr. Damian Paull
Chief Executive Officer, Franchise Council of Australia
Damian has recently joined the FCA as its Chief Executive Officer, where he is tasked with building and nurturing the reputation of franchising, and leveraging the collective strength of the franchise sector for the benefit of individual FCA members.

Damian has a tremendously diverse background, including teaching, law enforcement, working as a regulator, working in small and large businesses, and building capability within industry bodies to lead and bring about positive change.

Damian is also an award winning photographer, with a love of music and is currently learning to sail so that one day he and his partner can sail the Croatian Islands.

特许经营圆桌会议 – 亚太市场新展望 (满座)
日期: 2016年12月1日(星期四)
时间: 下午 03:30 - 下午 05:15