World SME Expo

1. Innovation & Branding - The New Breed of SMEs
2. Discover Market Opportunities in Mainland China and Emerging Markets
3. Embracing The Latest Trend of E-Commerce
4. Dialogues with Celebrity
5. Global Economic and Financial Outlook: 2017
6. Hong Kong SME Innovative Award 2016 Awards Ceremony
7. "Support to SMEs: Mentorship Programme and Funding Support Measures of the Trade and Industry Department"
8. How to Recruit and Motivate the New Generation Staff?
9. Investment Opportunities for Commercial Properties and Shops
HKIFS Roundtable Meeting
HKIFS “Advice from the Wise” Seminar Series
HKIFS Brand Briefing Sessions
Speaker Details

Mr. Chow Hin, Harry
Founding Chairman, Hong Kong Franchise Development Associstion

周先生曾合作部分知名品牌包括:Anytime Fitness , 陽光洗衣便利店, Dr iKids 智趣博士, Subway美式三文治專門店,日本漢堡專門店Freshness Burger,Store friendly儲存易迷你倉,澳門大利來記豬扒包、香港批&撻專門店等

周先生經常獲香港工業貿易署、貿易發展局等邀請,主講100多場不同主題的特許經營講座。周先生亦曾於香港Yahoo !、 iMoney 智富雜誌、新Monday等不同媒體撰寫專欄,解答創業疑難,獲譽為「創業醫生」。

2016 Seminar Schedule
Round Table Meeting – Asia-Pacific Market Trends (FULL)
Date: 1 December, 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 03:30 PM - 05:15 PM