World SME Expo 2012
Speaker Details

Mr. Dickson Ho
Principal Economist (Asian and Emerging Markets), HKTDC

Webcast:  Unlocking Market Opportunities in the Middle East

Webcast:  亞洲從生產基地向多元市場演變帶來的機遇 (Cantonese version Only)

Areas of Research: - Trends and features of Hong Kong’s major service industries - Business opportunities in East Asia (excluding Greater China) and South Asia - Market and trade developments in the Middle East and Africa

Speech Title: (B3) Unlocking market opportunities in the Middle East (B4) Asia: Transforming From a Production Base to a Diversified Market
2012 Seminar Schedule
(B3) Strategies for Developing New Emerging Markets of the Middle East
Date: 7 December, 2012 (Friday)
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
(B4) A New Era for Trade: Meet HKTDC’s Economists on Future Business Strategies
Date: 7 December, 2012 (Friday)
Time: 01:30 PM - 02:30 PM