Inno Design Tech Expo 2015
HKTDCHKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo HKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo HKTDC Inno Design Tech Expo
Speaker Details

SUN Dong
Chair Professor and Head, Department of Mechanical & Biomedical Engineering
Director, Center for Robotics and Automation, City University of Hong Kong
Professor SUN Dong is an internationally renowned scholar in robotics and the related area of biomedical engineering. He graduated from Tsinghua University and The Chinese University of Hong Kong, and then performed his post-doc research at the University of Toronto. He joined CityU in 2000, and is now a Chair Professor, Centre Director and the Department Head. He has successfully led many research projects with outcomes in both fundamental and applied research. He received numerous best paper awards, as well as Hong Kong Awards for Industry. He is a fellow of IEEE and HKIE.
Ideas & Trends Seminars
(T6) Smart Manufacturing
Date: 4 December, 2015 (Friday)
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM