SmartBiz Expo

Dr Benny Drescher

講題:於製造業應用工業4.0智能數據分析 – 案例與經驗分享

Since 2018, Benny Drescher serves as INC Invention Center, The Hatch initiated by Fraunhofer IPT and Hong Kong Productivity Council.

Since 2016, he is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Dronefence GmbH, a security and safety company with patent-pending technology for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Since 2015, Benny Drescher is Co-Founder and Managing Director of Technovation GmbH, a sensor and data analytics engineering firm for the manufacturing industry. From 2012 to 2015, he conducted engineering and research projects with industrial clients at and, additionally in 2014, initiated and led the group of Mechatronic Product Development at Fraunhofer IWU (Augsburg) and Technical University of Munich.

Benny Drescher has more than 8 years of experience in developing mechatronic products in the robotics, machinery, production and automotive industry. His interests lie in Sensor Integration/Fusion, Internet-of-Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, UAVs and Data Analytics/ Artificial Intelligence. His work resulted in more than 15 scientific publications and major contributions to two patents.

He studied electrical engineering at Technical University of Munich and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has been a scholar of HNI, CDTM, PPP and Prof. Erich-Mueller Stiftung.

2018 年研討會時間表
(B1) 工業4.0 - 機遇與挑戰
日期: 2018年12月5日(星期三)
時間: 下午 02:00 - 下午 03:00