SmartBiz Expo
Speaker Details

Imaam Sulaiman Wang
Representative of The Incorporated Trustees of The Islamic Community Fund of Hong Kong

Speech Title: Practical Guide for Hong Kong SMEs for Obtaining Halal Certification
                       (Download Powerpoint)

Speaker's Profile:
Sulaiman Wang studied in Islamic and Arabic in Qaryunis University in Banghazi and Azhar University in Egypt. He has taught Tajweed, Arabic and Islamic studies in Yunnan Province, China. Since 1995, Mr Wang employed by The Incorporated Trustees of Muslim Community Fund of Hong Kong as an Imaam in Hong Kong and Macau for teaching Islamic course in Chinese Language and study and research comparative between Islam and Christianity.
2018 Seminar Schedule
(D5) How to Enter the Lucrative Halal Food Market?
Date: 6 December, 2018 (Thursday)
Time: 04:15 PM - 05:45 PM