World SME Expo

Seminar Categories:

I. Belt and Road Forum Series
II. Branding : Embracing the E-tailing Era
III. Social Media and Mobile Commerce
IV. Discover Opportunities in Mainland China and Emerging Markets
V. Future Trends for SMEs
VI. New Concepts - New Opportunities : CEO Dialogues
VII. Practical Strategies for SMEs
VIII. HKIFS Briefing Session
IX. HKIFS Plenary Session & Franchise Dialogue
Speaker Details

Mr Yeung Ho Wan
The Feng Shui Master: Mr Yeung Ho Wang (Leo), who is a third generation descendant Chinese Anthroponymy expert and the only orthodox heritor in Hong Kong. Master Yeung had been interested in Feng Shui since his childhood, and spent years in researching and practising it, expert in destiny changing through names, household Feng Shui, four pillars of destiny (Ba Zi), and fortune telling. With lots of support from his clients, he had been Feng Shui consultant for many different organizations, clients all around the world.

Master Yeung had taught Chinese Metaphysics for many years in ”The Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions Spare Time Study Center.” At the same time, Master Yeung had been Feng Shui consultant for many Hong Kong well known organizations and journal writers for magazines, including “E Media Plus”, “Oriental Sunday”, “Sunday Kiss”, “”New House Interiors Digest”, and “Eugene Baby”.

Master Yeung has also been invited as guest speakers on various TV shows including “Big Boys Club”, “All Things Girl”, “Entertainment News”, “Radio Television Hong Kong”, and “Metro Broadcast” to explain the mystery of Feng Shui.
2015 Seminar Schedule
(F2) 猴年辦公室風水增運錦囊
Date: 5 December, 2015 (Saturday)
Time: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM