Speaker Details

Eun Young Kim
Project Executive, AhnGraphics
Majoring in visual design and stepping into the industry as a book designer, I have expanded my field of work as an editor and planner while studying lexicography. Since 2015, I have been working as the project executive of AhnGraphics' corporate research institute ‘Design R&D Center’. The institute researches how design agencies and graphic designers can enhance their digital competence and how their creative ability can be demonstrated without being constrained by technological problems.
I have been involved in lectures and writings since 2011 with the belief that 'Design' and 'Book making' should be extended from the professional field to the liberal arts. There are «Start, Book making»(co-author) «29 basic principles of good document design» «InDesign, editorial design»(co-author).
Onsite Activites
Global Design Trends
Date: 8 December, 2017 (Friday)
Time: 03:30 PM - 04:45 PM