Inno Design Tech Expo
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How design contributes to your brand, products and business and make profit?

3 December, 2009 (Thursday) 02:30 PM - 04:30 PM
Venue: Seminar Room C
 Mr. Dewitt Chik
President, Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong
 Mr. Alan Yip
Former Chairman, Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA)
Honorary Advisor, Innovation and Technology Commission
 Mr. Angus Wong
Founder, Angus Wong Design Limited
 Mr. Charles Ng
Honorary Advisor, Hong Kong Designers Association (HKDA)
Chief Brand Consultant, Maxi Communications Ltd (MCL)
 Mr. Francis Lee
Director, Francis Lee & Associates Ltd
A good design without a pertinent branding positioning and strategy, is like losing its weapon in the war. If you observe how crazy people chasing behind those luxury brands, you will recognise how powerful a 'brand' can be. The money people spend on a luxury goods, partly it's a supportive act to their favourite designs, but also partly they are purchasing the value behind the brand, about the recognition of consumer's status, sophistications, flair and taste. This year, HKTDC has invited Industrial Designers Society of Hong Kong to share their experiences of building a successful brand with you.