电视世界2016 - 国际论坛:一带一路共享经济,影视文化如何乘势

2016年3月15日(星期二) 下午 04:00 - 下午 06:00
地点: 香港会议展览中心 - 展览厅1 (舞台)
 林旭华 先生
 陈彬 先生
DMG印纪娱乐传媒集团 高级副总裁
 Prof. Giovanni Robbinano
Head of FAMU International of FAMU, Prague, Faculty Academic of Film & Tv
 Rezal A. Rahman 先生
依斯干达松木影城 行政总裁
 Vasily Korvyakov 先生
Partner of Veles Media
Being inspired by the Silk Road Spirit, the “Belt & Road” Initiative aims to boost the economic prosperity of the countries along the Belt and Road covering various parts of Asia, Middle East, Africa as well as Central and Eastern Europe. It encourages regional economic cooperation, strengthen trade and investments to new horizons in new forms. The foreseeable enhanced connectivity will facilitate cross-border media cooperation, exchange of culture and flow of information. Therefore, there will be great business opportunities for the TV industry to expand their business to the global market. Leading experts from around the world will join this conference panel to share their insights on the future TV market trends and discuss about the business opportunities facilitated by this new Chinese initiative. 中文版本将于稍后提供。